Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

Thanks to Mr_thanks

Before going to my posting,..lets as proper as I say the thanks for Allah swt who has Given up bleasing iman and bleasing islam,..enjoy the life which is no limit or without limit,...Untill be given up break to learn or to learning one of the Science which is in giving it,..
and i dont forget to friend a lot of guiding me in conducting or doing a lot of matter.

My Th4nks To...
  • For the things first is I render thanks to my parent at specially for may mother borne and enlarge I affection amourously and give the very high education...
  • and for the things second is I compliment to which liver loverchoePliz always breathe life into to be non-stoped me to struggle.

  • and the last for All my friends at special MR_Th4nks, Gie_kun, Memed, aiu, iin, Mr PArdon..and the Big Adie,...you all a good friends...Love you all guys.

thanks you...thanks you...ARIGGATO thanks you.

1 komentar:

rahacaiiank@gmail.com mengatakan...

well, thats good,

i think we have a new english student here,^^

after mr.thanks go international with his blog (yeah,i knew that his posting was using an english language nowadays,)

sekarang abang ichu yg international,


keep rawk bang !

hidup bahasa inggris???


hepi ngeblog yap !

haw haw haw