Senin, 23 Februari 2009

Krazzy 4 The Movie Review

Jaideep Sen gets his break as director with this mish-mash starring some famous names who regrettably fail to elevate proceedings above the mundane. Krazzy 4 sees an innocent psychiatrist (Juhi Chawla) get embroiled in a political game when she finds herself kidnapped and stashed away for reasons unknown. The quest falls on her motley batch of patients to rescue her, reclaim their own sanity and deliver a somewhat contrived and confusing lesson about our misconceptions about crazy folk. Sound interesting? It so isn't...

Dr Sonali (Chawla) is a sugar-sweet psychiatrist working in Mumbai. Her patients - four in total (what a surprise!) - are headed by Raja (Arshad Warsi), a hot-tempered and haphazard individual who you just shouldn't cross. Dr Sonali's compassion toward her patients leads her to organise a trip to the city. But when she suddenly gets abducted by a couple of unconvincing thugs, her patients begin to wonder where she may have gone. Before they realise it, they have expertly solved her missing-persons case by tactfully kidnapping a big government official and even single-handedly outwitting a notorious criminal - something even the sane-minded would have difficulty achieving.


While the movie takes inspiration from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, this one seems to fall out of the sky ahead of time. The ensemble cast is sincere enough, but a sluggishly drawn-out screenplay (which is as zany as the patients trying to keep it afloat), coupled with a wafer-thin plot and dreadful comedy, doesn't help sweeten the cake. The story hinges on a paradox that borders on lunacy itself, and even some A-list appearances aren't enough to electrocute this film into life.

Click here to Download

Source :


Title: Forbidden Door

Writer: Sekar Ayu Asmara

Publisher: Krida you a Nusantara (AKOER)

Printed: II, April 2005

Thickness: 227 page

Served with a popular style of language, Sekar Ayu Asmara able to bring readers to the top of tragedy. A thriller novel that reminds us of stories mystery novelist Agatha Christie property. "End of the story difficult to," the comment Noorca M. Massardi, one of the senior author.

Previously, Sekar Ayu Asmara is known as a creative figure who had career in the world Man, song lyrics writers, painters, and film producer. In the publishing world, he was writing books for children titled Onde-onde dan Misteri Es Krim yang Hilang, Kembar Empat (AKOER, 2005). His name is also known in the world of film as screenwriter and film producer Biola Tak Berdawai (2003), Belahan Jiwa (2005), Pesan Dari Surga (2007), and others

In the novel PINTU TERLARANG, a story he was presenting thriller that makes the reader curious. Since the first page, invited readers breathless when reading the story of a melancholy child who is tormented by both parents. In the next chapter, invited readers to see the life of a figure called Gambir, sculpture artists who beristrikan Taldya, women who have three perfeksionis moment best achieve quality of life: perfection, perfection, and perfection.

Taldya is a wife who loves her husband and is very influential in the career Gambir. Behind it all, the Taldya save a betrayal, falsehood, and mystery. Gambir property in the studio, there is a door that is opened should not be anyone, including Gambir. Taldya only know its contents at once and have the door lock. The key to it is always up in the neck as a necklace.

Then, there are also chapters which depict a female journalist named Ranti who obsessed to reveal the story of a child victim of her parents. The child is now in a mental hospital. Initially, this novel seemed to have three different stories that each have tokohnya senidir-own (children victims of torture, and Gambir Taldya, and Ranti). But, slowly, readers will know that the third story that was different each other.

It for the stories thriller, this novel is very feasible to diapresiasi. Tension and the mystery behind the story make the reader reluctant to release the novel this last page. What is actually behind the forbidden door so no one may open it? Indeed, children who experienced the torture of both parents. Ranti Who? Will open the forbidden door and all the mystery?

End of the novel is very unpredictable. And, readers will subside when the secret is indeed behind the forbidden door

Click to view the film here

source :

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

Tips Menjaga Keawetan komputer kesayangan anda

Hardware :

UPS (uninterrupted power supply) atau stabilizer (stavolt). Ups atau stavolt digunakan untuk mengantisipasi adanya listrik yang mati tiba-tiba, yang bisa merusak harddisk, atau untuk mengantisipasi egangan listrik yang tidak stabil.

Speaker. Usahakan untuk tidak meletakkan speaker terlalu dekat dengan monitor. Hal ini dikarenakan medan magnet yang ada pada speaker akan mempengaruhi monitor, sehingga warna monitor menjadi tidak rata atau tampak ‘belang-belang’.

Harddisk. Usahakan untuk men-defrag harddisk secara periodic, misalkan sebulan sekali, dan jangan terlalu sering karena piringan harddisk bisa rusak dan cepat panas ketika terlalu cepat membaca isi fragmentasi file di harddisk. Defragmentasi berguna untuk mengatur dan memampatkan file di harddisk sesuai ukuran file dan jenisnya. Hal ini berguna untuk mempercepat kinerja harddisk ketika akan membaca dan menulis file, juga memperpanjang umur harddisk. Untuk menjalankan defragmentasi ini bisa langsung ke system tool di Accessories, dan sebaiknya screensaver dimatikan lebih dulu, agar tidak menganggu proses defragmentasi.

CPU dan komponenya. Usahakan untuk membersihkan motherboard, keyboard, mouse, casing CPU, monitor, dan peripheral lainnya (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR/CDRW/DVRW, TV Tuner, dan sebagainya) dari debu dengan sikat halus setidaknya enam bulan sekali.

Kabel ground. Anda dapat menghubungkan salah satu ujung kabel dengan casing CPU, dan ujung kabel lainnya ditanam di tanah. Hal ini berguna untuk mengatasi tegangan listrik atau setruman yang timbul dari casing CPU. Dengan di-ground, maka dapat menetralkan arus listrik dan mengamankan komponen elektronik di dalam CPU.

Ventilasi. Usahakan untuk menempatkan computer, baik monitor ataupun CPU dengan jaraak minimal 30cm dari ventilasi, ataupun kipas angin atau AC. Hal ini berguna untuk membantu kipas pendingin di CPU agar computer tidak cepat panas.

Software :

Antivirus. Instal dan update antivirus secara rutin, sehingga virus atau Trojan yang dapat merusak computer dan harddisk dapat segera ditanggulangi.

Program aplikasi lainnya. Uninstall program yg tidak berguna, agar space harddisk bisa lega dan proses loading computer atau read-write harddisk bisa lebih cepat, sehingga umur harddisk juga bisa lebih awet. Tutup juga program yang tidak dipakai, untuk melegakan kapasitas RAM agar beban kerja computer menjadi lebih ringan.

Recycle Bin atau temporary folder. Sebenarnya file atau folder yang dihapus tidak langsung hilang dari harddisk karena akan ditampung dahulu di Recycle Bin, agar ketika Anda masih memerlukannya, maka file bisa dikembalikan lagi. Recycle Bin yg sudah banyak juga akan menyita ruang harddisk sehingga kinerja harddisk menjadi berat. Untuk itu, Anda sebaiknya membersihkan Recycle Bin atau temporary folder secara berkala, bisa dengan Empty Recycle Bin atau Disk Cleanup.

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